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21 Jul 2021

Funding now open for creative projects in Kirikiriroa

Creative Waikato is calling for applications from groups and individuals looking for cash to supercharge their next creative project.

Hamilton’s Creative Communities Scheme supports community arts initiatives that help grow and promote creativity in Kirikiriroa.

Applications are now open, with the funding round closing at 5pm on Friday 27 August.

Creative Waikato, which administers the fund on behalf of Hamilton City Council, is seeking project applications focussing on at least one of the scheme’s three criteria – access and participation, diversity, or young people.

In the last funding round more than 30 local projects received funding – from flax weaving classes and vocal workshops, to street art festivals and theatre shows.

Creative Waikato CEO Dr. Jeremy Mayall says the funding is a great opportunity to transform creative ideas into reality.

“We know that ​​arts and culture are invaluable in fostering identity, resilience, community, and joy,” he says.

“A Creative Communities Scheme grant could be a massive boost to help fund your project and grow the creative sector in the Waikato.”

Funding can cover materials for arts activities or programmes, venue or equipment hire, personnel or administrative costs for short-term projects, and marketing and promotion of arts activities.

Mayall encourages interested applicants to join a Zoom session next month to learn more about the funding and ask any burning questions.

The free online session, run by Creative Waikato, is on Tuesday 3 August from 1pm – 2pm. Keep an eye on the Creative Waikato Facebook page in the coming days for a link to the meeting.

Applications to the Creative Communities Scheme can be made through Council’s online funding application system.

For more information about the scheme, or to arrange an appointment with a funding advisor, contact Creative Waikato on hello@creativewaikato.co.nz or 0508 427 892

Showquest Waikato was one of the successful applicants to the latest round of Hamilton’s Creative Communities Scheme fund. Pictured are performers from Tai Wānanga ki Ruakura.