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18 Oct 2021

Shaping the future of arts, culture and creativity in Aotearoa

Manatū Taonga – the Ministry for Culture and Heritage (MCH) is seeking feedback on the proposed subject of: ‘Cultural infrastructure: what are the components of an impactful and sustainable cultural sector into the future?’.

This is part of a Long-Term Insights Briefing process, currently open for feedback on the first discussion document. 

Long Term Insights Briefings (LTIB) are a new requirement from the government for all departments to publish a briefing document at least once every three years as a ‘think piece’ on the future that may ultimately inform government policy. The idea is that information about medium and long-term trends (10-20 years), risks and opportunities in each area will be made available in the public domain to help inform public debate. Alongside this, different policy options and analysis will be presented, meaning this work has the potential to be critical in shaping future government policy and strategy in each department.

This is the kind of process that will have an impact on the future support for the arts, how our cultural infrastructure is enabled to flourish, and the ways in which we can creatively change the system to have a positive impact on our communities in the future. Through being involved in this process we can ensure that there is an arts-based approach for shaping the strategic future for our ecosystem.

As part of guiding a response from the sector, Te Rōpū Mana Toi (a group of artists and enablers who have come together from across the motu – which also includes our CEO Dr. Jeremy Mayall) have made a submission, and have also put together a supporting document on ways to approach this process from the sector.

The supporting document contains some questions to think about, ways to engage, and hopefully tries to support making this process more accessible for voices from across the ecosystem.

Please take some time to read the LTIB summary guidance document here 

You can also read the full submission from Te Rōpū Mana Toi here

Creative Waikato is also in the process of making a submission to the MCH LTIB and this will be included here in future. It will align with our work on the regional strategic framework – The Waikato Arts Navigator as a vision for the Waikato that prospers with diverse and transformative creative activity.

If you’re interested in giving feedback on the MCH LTIB you can:

Note: Questions in Survey Monkey and in the PDF are the same.

The deadline for making a submission is 5pm, 26 November 2021.

This is a good process to be part of. Helping to reimagine an exciting vision for arts, culture and creativity in our country. Something that can be accessed by all people and can help us all to thrive.